Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Where did T.I.P. Go? T.I. and his new flow...

It seems lately that after T.I. got off the hook for the most part on that huge weapons charge he was smacked with earlier this year, and after only getting a year in prison and some community service, we're seeing a brand new T.I.

Clifford Harris used to be a real badass, and you could tell progressively he was getting more and more gangsta with each CD released. Especially with T.I. vs. T.I.P., you could hear T.I.'s anger and roughness in his flows.

Seems though that the bad side of T.I. is starting to take a back seat, since he has to save face and show the judge that he's on his best behavior. He went back to writing down his lyrics and his flow is a lot different, more controlled and lyrical instead of angry and thugged out.

With a bunch of new remixes that T.I. has hopped on, it's good to see a refreshing new (or old depending on how you look at it..) style. Apparently "Paper Trail" is supposed to be a different kind of album, comparable to Tupac's "Me Against The World". We can only wait til "Paper Trail" is officially released, but with T.I.'s new style, we can't say that he's changed for the worse.

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