Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Pull up your pants or pay a fine. That's what voters wanted tonight by overwhelmingly approving Mayor Thomas Masters about sagging pants.

He went on to say "I am thankful to the people who came out and voted their conscience and defined what is indecent in our city". According to sources, the issue won 72% of the vote.

Exit polls were showing that there was a lack of interest in the sagging pants proposal and that it was going to lose. However, when voters came out, the story changed.

Riviera Beach is the first big city to pass a sagging pants law. Other places have a sagging pants law through city ordinance voted by a board.

The new law states anyone with sagging pants and expose underwear or even skin will suffer legal consequences. The first offense people will be punished with a $150 fine or community service. A second offense will be punishable by a $300 fine and/or more community service.

Repeated violators may even serve jail time (up to 60 days). There was a backlash on the ordinance once the idea of jail time was introduced, but elderly voters felt this was a very important issue so they brought their strength to the polls.

Masters says it's not about getting rich off the fines or putting people in jail, but about the simple message of pulling up your pants.

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